Head of research company Secure Works Joe Stewart called on the public and U.S. authorities to intensify efforts to combat the "Russian hackers", reported the newspaper The New York Times. Back in May, found the existence of a criminal network which has created botnet and was able to monitor more than 100 thousand computers via the Internet. The administering the program was located on a server hosting provider in the state of Wisconsin. Total was carried out by 378 thousand attacks.
After the response of the authorities hackers order and reconstructed its system. Now control program is located in Ukraine, believes Stewart. It is not available to American justice, so the programmer called the Russian authorities to cooperate in eradicating the criminal organization.
As a result of the May investigations Stewart was able to detect suspected of Russian-language blogs and found that one member of the gang died, but others continued their activities. Getting information provided Stewart investigation.
The criminals used the malicious program Coreflood, which, in the opinion of Stewart, has been for several years. It accumulates data sent an application called Coreflood with the victim's computer. This application was withdrawing a set text from the keyboard, allowing steal passwords and other information.
The criminals became lzheadminami and managed from one computer data with hundreds of other machines. As examples, Stewart led computer network of police stations and a major hotel chain that had been infected for several hours after the attackers managed to get the login and password administrator.
According to the programmer, Russian hackers are responsible for stealing money from the account from Miami businessman Joe Lopez, who discovered mysterious transfer of money in April 2004. Some person transferred $ 90 thousand from his account in Bank of America at the expense of Parex Bank in Riga. Himself hackers stole only a portion of the money - $ 20 thousand
Stewart called on the authorities to understand the problem botnetov. "The number of infections high, and many corporations do not even worry. In their view, infected more than once per month - that's OK ", - negoduet Stewart.