Three years later discs Blu-ray format in the world is sold more than a DVD, believed in the film Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE). Correspondent iToday.ru attempted to prejudge the fate of Russian technology Blu-ray.
Vice-President of SPHE in the Asia-Pacific region Tim Mead (Tim Meade) substantiated his view about the prospects of Blu-ray statistics. Late last year, Blu-ray discs accounted for only 9% of the total number of licensed discs with movies. By mid-2008, according to Sony, a new generation of carriers have already managed to gain 20% of the market, and by early 2009 the proportion will rise to 25%. As in 2011, according to Mr. Mead, Blu-ray discs will be sold to more than DVD.
Blu-ray players diverge much worse and occupy only 15% of the market. This includes a modest share of almost 14.5 million consoles Sony PlayStation 3, equipped with drives Blu-ray. A separate niche took notebooks and PCs with embedded drives Blu-ray, but the producers did not reveal the volume of sales of specific models, and their popularity can only guess.
Polling results also people not yet in favor of [blue k. More than half of Americans polled are not going to soon buy Blu-ray player, showed the study ABI Research. 23% of respondents are willing to do so no earlier than next year are too high for them the price of equipment.
Modest demand
In Russia, players and Blu-ray discs enjoy even lower demand. For example, retail chains [k Eldorado sold all 120 players per month (one of eight shops!) And this, according to company representatives, six times more than last year. Growth of sales linked to the increasing number of manufacturers and models of players, low demand and lack of popularity with technology and expensive equipment.
Customers can be understood. The cheapest Blu-ray player will cost 11 thousand rubles. (data price.ru). And this amount is only a first installment. To enjoy all the details of high-resolution images recorded on Blu-ray disc, and still need a TV with a resolution of at least HD Ready (1366 х768 points) and better Full HD (1920 h1080). Plasma and LCD HD Ready TVs sold at 11-35 thousand rubles. But for Full HD will have to lay out a minimum of 25. In fact, is clear that the cheapest model is not the best.
Built Blu-ray drive for PCs can be bought for four million. And if you add the cost of a good monitor and connecting cables (otherwise what is the point in buying), it will turn out cheaper than an external player.
Do not do without carriers and Blu-ray, for which all and to be afoot. The Russian retail discs with movies is not ashamed to sell 1,5-2 thousand rubles. The choice of films severely restricted their remains to be translated into Russian, but few were engaged in this. In Europe and the U.S. can choose from hundreds of films, the prices of which start with 15 dollars or euros. We even clean Blu-ray discs cheaper 700 rubles. Day with fire not syschesh.
In Russia, players and Blu-ray discs enjoy even lower demand. For example, retail chains [k Eldorado sold all 120 players per month (one of eight shops!) And this, according to company representatives, six times more than last year. Growth of sales linked to the increasing number of manufacturers and models of players, low demand and lack of popularity with technology and expensive equipment.
Customers can be understood. The cheapest Blu-ray player will cost 11 thousand rubles. (data price.ru). And this amount is only a first installment. To enjoy all the details of high-resolution images recorded on Blu-ray disc, and still need a TV with a resolution of at least HD Ready (1366 х768 points) and better Full HD (1920 h1080). Plasma and LCD HD Ready TVs sold at 11-35 thousand rubles. But for Full HD will have to lay out a minimum of 25. In fact, is clear that the cheapest model is not the best.
Built Blu-ray drive for PCs can be bought for four million. And if you add the cost of a good monitor and connecting cables (otherwise what is the point in buying), it will turn out cheaper than an external player.
Do not do without carriers and Blu-ray, for which all and to be afoot. The Russian retail discs with movies is not ashamed to sell 1,5-2 thousand rubles. The choice of films severely restricted their remains to be translated into Russian, but few were engaged in this. In Europe and the U.S. can choose from hundreds of films, the prices of which start with 15 dollars or euros. We even clean Blu-ray discs cheaper 700 rubles. Day with fire not syschesh.
Russian are bypassing
Expensive equipment and our creative drives in the country led to the successful search for ways to bypass. Blu-ray disc only type of media. You can get by without it, and without the player. Films in high definition format. Mkv (less -. Avi) is no problem to look at a good monitor, or television, giving a signal to trouble with the computer and installing the necessary codecs (usually used MPEG-2, H.264 or VC-1. Red.) . Thus, two expensive managers, player and discs, from [k food chain disappear. Suffice it to purchase connecting cables for good TV or monitor. And this, remember 1,5-2 thousand rubles.
Well, if there's output HDMI: You can refer to a monitor or a TV picture and sound without loss of quality. But even if it does not exist, no problem. In any small disguise decent PC or laptop there connector DVI, which can be passed through the picture. For sound in this case would require a separate cable that in some cases even better. For example, if instead of built-in TV columns you want to use a separate audio.
In this case remains an open question with the acquisition of HD-content. Find high-resolution film (HD) in RuNet snap. Pirates spread them to share such as in house networks totally unselfishly. Out of love, literally, to art. Moralizirovat on this occasion we are not going to. Restrict the assumption that this situation may change over time.
There is another alternative way: HD-write the film for a few DVD-ROM drive instead of one, and reproduce them, perezaryazhaya drive, on an ordinary DVD-drive. About understandably this does not interested. They profitable to sell more expensive drives Blu-ray, and with each selling Blu-ray player that Sony has the same profit as the developer of the technology.
Editorial iToday.ru, discussed the prospects of Blu-ray in our country, concluded: enthusiasts accustomed to test new technologies on their own skins, should still raskoshelitsya to your player and do not communicate with the HDTV-steal content. Up to 11 - year far as to wait, if you want? The quality of HD video really radically different from what we used to see on DVD. High resolution images produces almost the same impression that the voluminous video and technology. Familiar movie in high resolution looks again, the viewer sees what sooner simply did not pay attention, becomes a pity that HDTV was not in times of Chaplin and Tarkovsky. So Blu-ray not gerbalayf it is some of that pay.
Those who are not inclined to inscribe themselves on the pioneers, it makes sense to wait 10-12 months. As we approach the 2011, Sony and other manufacturers will reduce prices, and Russian suppliers will finally carry equipment here. Sometimes someone in Russia will even collect players. Rightly or wrongly, from the rest of the world we do not otstanem, there is no doubt. Even if oil podesheveet.
Expensive equipment and our creative drives in the country led to the successful search for ways to bypass. Blu-ray disc only type of media. You can get by without it, and without the player. Films in high definition format. Mkv (less -. Avi) is no problem to look at a good monitor, or television, giving a signal to trouble with the computer and installing the necessary codecs (usually used MPEG-2, H.264 or VC-1. Red.) . Thus, two expensive managers, player and discs, from [k food chain disappear. Suffice it to purchase connecting cables for good TV or monitor. And this, remember 1,5-2 thousand rubles.
Well, if there's output HDMI: You can refer to a monitor or a TV picture and sound without loss of quality. But even if it does not exist, no problem. In any small disguise decent PC or laptop there connector DVI, which can be passed through the picture. For sound in this case would require a separate cable that in some cases even better. For example, if instead of built-in TV columns you want to use a separate audio.
In this case remains an open question with the acquisition of HD-content. Find high-resolution film (HD) in RuNet snap. Pirates spread them to share such as in house networks totally unselfishly. Out of love, literally, to art. Moralizirovat on this occasion we are not going to. Restrict the assumption that this situation may change over time.
There is another alternative way: HD-write the film for a few DVD-ROM drive instead of one, and reproduce them, perezaryazhaya drive, on an ordinary DVD-drive. About understandably this does not interested. They profitable to sell more expensive drives Blu-ray, and with each selling Blu-ray player that Sony has the same profit as the developer of the technology.
Editorial iToday.ru, discussed the prospects of Blu-ray in our country, concluded: enthusiasts accustomed to test new technologies on their own skins, should still raskoshelitsya to your player and do not communicate with the HDTV-steal content. Up to 11 - year far as to wait, if you want? The quality of HD video really radically different from what we used to see on DVD. High resolution images produces almost the same impression that the voluminous video and technology. Familiar movie in high resolution looks again, the viewer sees what sooner simply did not pay attention, becomes a pity that HDTV was not in times of Chaplin and Tarkovsky. So Blu-ray not gerbalayf it is some of that pay.
Those who are not inclined to inscribe themselves on the pioneers, it makes sense to wait 10-12 months. As we approach the 2011, Sony and other manufacturers will reduce prices, and Russian suppliers will finally carry equipment here. Sometimes someone in Russia will even collect players. Rightly or wrongly, from the rest of the world we do not otstanem, there is no doubt. Even if oil podesheveet.
Blu-ray format developed by Sony and Philips in 2000-2005. At the Blu-ray disc can store up to six layers of information on 25 GB, but most of today's holders of record of one to four. Fivefold increase in recording density compared with the DVD is achieved by using a blue laser (with a smaller wavelength) instead of red. The word [bluk ([blue k) lost in the title of the letter [e k, that the framers were able to patent the name of the format: the phrase [blue rayk widespread, and get right to it as a trademark can not be.
Production Blu-ray players involved in almost all the leading manufacturers: Sony, LG, Philips, Samsung, Pioneer, etc. For information, Blu-ray Association, which includes manufacturers and distributors of equipment and content, now on the Blu-ray discs released more than 760 films U.S. and more than 430 in Japan.
Author: Victoria Sokolovskaya
Source: iToday.ru
Picture: www.teknovate.ru
Source: iToday.ru
Picture: www.teknovate.ru